
Monday, September 10, 2007


....well, here I am, off track for the first time this year. Woohoo.

......so double sessions ended pretty strong, and the first week of school wasn't so bad. However, we lost our first football game friday night to bakersfield christian (those guys were HUGE!!!!! their biggest lineman was 6'6", 290 lbs. That's 100 lbs. more than me!! I actually rushed over him and literally just bounced right off of him) Despite the fact we lost I still got to play a couple defensive rounds (and got a tackle!!). The score was 24-7, but maxpreps.com predicted we would lose 49-6 (what the heck? do they think we can't score a PAT? or we score two field goals? or three safeties? whatev)

...so, since it's a leap year girls have to ask guys to the academy presidential inaugural. The girls could have started asking yesterday, and so far, I'm still not asked....but I can care less. Some of the girls got creative in their asking by slipping little notes or puzzles and the guy has to figure out who wants to ask hime (like Connie G. bought Ben a whole pile of candy and he had to arrange labeled candies in order to find out who wants to go to the inaugural with him.....I think it's cowardly, I'd rather have them ask me face to face)

.....and I got my own cell phone!!!! It's a razor or RAZR or however the heck you spell it. Thing is, I have to pay my dad 10 bucks a month for service. I'm not telling you stalkers out there (wait, who the heck would stalk me?.........no one, obviously.....but I'm still not publishing my cell phone number)

Calculus was pretty ridiculous today; we started off with functions and in my previous experience functions were pretty easy. But it got super complicated (like I had to solve a function with F(g(h(F(g(x)))...and that took a long time) And that's not even calculus, it's really advanced algebra.

...say, I was just reminded of a nightmare I had last night. So, it goes like this: We're at school, chilling, when Mr. Carson comes up to us with this brochure about a Cohesion Camp in downtown L.A. So, since Mr. Lee is going with the Marines to Iraq (in real life...this just crossed over into my dream) and there's no one to whip us into shape we decide to head out there. When we get there it's like a square bleak concrete building with no windows. So we get inside and it turns out the "instructor" is a neo-Nazi running a secret torture extermination camp to slowly ebb away the population. So, we got tortured alot through physical exercise. And then comes the worst part: they needed to check our current health status by a rectal probe. Then I just said, "Screw this, I'm getting outta here" and started running for the exit. I had to like jump over barbed wire fences (indoors? dreams sure are strange...), avoid gunfire from machine gun towers and eventually made it out. Just as I was getting out, another group was heading in to "exercise". I yelled a warning ("DON'T DO IT!!!! THE GUY'S A NAZI!!!!!) and ran off for fear of WWII style Germans chasing after me. And then my dream went off into a completely different storyline. I hate when it does that.......

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