
Monday, July 30, 2007

much ado about nothing III

Okay, so today was the first day of the week. Sort of. Technically Sunday is, but I consider Monday to be the first day of the week because it feels like it. I don't really care what the calender says; Sunday is on a weekend. It's God's day of rest, so it should be the last day of the week. After all, it is the last day of creation, isn't it? Wait, I bet some liberal proposed a bill making Sunday the first day of the week instead of the last, thus beginning the anti-religion movement we are facing today! I just made a brilliant discovery!!!!

........................(ribbit, ribbit) Ok, not really, it's just a stupid random thought that just popped into my head. Sort of like the Infamous Squirrel of Doom, who met his demise trying to get peanut butter out of a squirrel trap. Therefore, my alter ego is gone. Well, not alter ego. My pen name. Ok, I'll speak in literal terms instead of metaphorical. I thought it was stupid, so I chucked it out the window. Darn it, there I go with metaphors again!!!.............

Alright, back to Monday (a.k.a. today). This morning was an orientation thing for the H.S. who are running Kare Youth League's Track event (it's been a tradition since the 30's or something like that and this is the first one I've been to.....I'm not usually down here in the summer) After that, the Varsity lifted weights and ran. After that I drove home and took.......creatine!! Don't worry, it's not illegal. Creatine is actually in your system, it's just if you have more of it it helps build your muscles bigger faster. Then, I caught up on practicing, went to Wal-Mart to run a few errands and came here. I got a map that tracks all of my guests, so, I know you've been here and I don't have to depend on comments to know if some people visit.

.....oh yeah, I just remembered my Windows vs. Mac project. It's scratched. I developed a huge bias against Apple, so the neutral part is gone. (unless if someone out there would like to see something bag on Apple........just go to youtube and look up "smash my ipod". I am officially too busy/lazy to make anything.)

All right. So, if you read this blog, I know you've been here, so post a comment unless if you're a liberal. I don't want to hear your whiny diatribes against global warming and that Bush lied and kids died (kids that are going to be terrorist, might I add [remember the incident where we supplied Israel with missiles and they used those missiles to bomb Lebanon? If you don't, read the news more]) and all that cr... uh, nonesense.

Until next time, wash your hands. 30 seconds MINIMUM, not maximum.


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