
Monday, November 19, 2007

...well, football's over

...we lost to Big Bear 21-7, and my football career is forever over. I actually cried a bit not out of the fact we lost but how I realized that I've improved over the past five years physically, mentally and spiritually because of being part of RHP's football program, and when it just ended like that it hit me hard. Well, now me Taylor and Kevinz are going to sit around and get fat being team managers for basketball...actually, Kevinz is practicing for baseball season so I don't think he's going to get fat. Actually, he kinda has gotten fat since he injured his knee and couldn't practice so for the last 2 weeks of football he sat on a chair out on the sidelines and watched us practice. But it's sort of a good thing football's over because I swore off energy drinks for the season and I got a Full Throttle on Saturday to help me drive home from Torrance to Wrightwood(I had a full day that day; first, I played at a master class at Colburn which lasted from 3-6 and then I took my dad and sister down to Torrance to see my piano teacher in concert, and then we dropped my sister off at grandma's because she and mom were performing in church down here the next day and me and dad headed for the hills to take care of the group at Mt. Kare/home.) and it was the first one I've had since July. I also just bought a 4-pack of Monster to help me through every other morning. I'm watching my consumption , though; I am NOT going to turn into an energy drink addict like Andreas (who had liver problems because he drank so much) and Sam Heersema (who drank one every morning two years ago; he graduated back then and I have no idea what his habits are now, but yeah) Thanksgiving is this weekend and there's no school on Wednesday to the end of the week, thank goodness. Well...........................can't think of anything else. C'est la vie.


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