
Monday, July 30, 2007

much ado about nothing III

Okay, so today was the first day of the week. Sort of. Technically Sunday is, but I consider Monday to be the first day of the week because it feels like it. I don't really care what the calender says; Sunday is on a weekend. It's God's day of rest, so it should be the last day of the week. After all, it is the last day of creation, isn't it? Wait, I bet some liberal proposed a bill making Sunday the first day of the week instead of the last, thus beginning the anti-religion movement we are facing today! I just made a brilliant discovery!!!!

........................(ribbit, ribbit) Ok, not really, it's just a stupid random thought that just popped into my head. Sort of like the Infamous Squirrel of Doom, who met his demise trying to get peanut butter out of a squirrel trap. Therefore, my alter ego is gone. Well, not alter ego. My pen name. Ok, I'll speak in literal terms instead of metaphorical. I thought it was stupid, so I chucked it out the window. Darn it, there I go with metaphors again!!!.............

Alright, back to Monday (a.k.a. today). This morning was an orientation thing for the H.S. who are running Kare Youth League's Track event (it's been a tradition since the 30's or something like that and this is the first one I've been to.....I'm not usually down here in the summer) After that, the Varsity lifted weights and ran. After that I drove home and took.......creatine!! Don't worry, it's not illegal. Creatine is actually in your system, it's just if you have more of it it helps build your muscles bigger faster. Then, I caught up on practicing, went to Wal-Mart to run a few errands and came here. I got a map that tracks all of my guests, so, I know you've been here and I don't have to depend on comments to know if some people visit.

.....oh yeah, I just remembered my Windows vs. Mac project. It's scratched. I developed a huge bias against Apple, so the neutral part is gone. (unless if someone out there would like to see something bag on Apple........just go to youtube and look up "smash my ipod". I am officially too busy/lazy to make anything.)

All right. So, if you read this blog, I know you've been here, so post a comment unless if you're a liberal. I don't want to hear your whiny diatribes against global warming and that Bush lied and kids died (kids that are going to be terrorist, might I add [remember the incident where we supplied Israel with missiles and they used those missiles to bomb Lebanon? If you don't, read the news more]) and all that cr... uh, nonesense.

Until next time, wash your hands. 30 seconds MINIMUM, not maximum.


Sunday, July 29, 2007

I am back in So Cal

Well, I've been back 5 days and wow, does everything feel different. I'm going to be a senior, it's going to be my last year in football and in a year I will be starting my actual adulthood. I am anticipating finishing this year because recently I have received God's calling; He wants me to be an engineer (which kind, I don't know; I would like to do computer engineering, but that's what I like, I don't know if that's what God wants me to do) and to help our church with my musical talent. Which means that I will double major in Music and Engineering. What college will I go to? Right now I'm aiming for USC (So Cal, not South Carolina; I've done a Google search for tuition costs and saw it was only 7,000 bucks and I rejoiced but it was Southern Carolina. So, I went to the actual USC website and my heart sank as I saw that tuition costs were 15,000 bucks. Add on the other costs, and it's $30,000 a year. That's like buying a new car every year. Well, God will provide if He wants me to go there), but I may end up going to a junior college like PCC or Cal Poly Pomona.

Say, I was actually on a spiritual level on this blog. That's a rarity.....alright, back to business!

So, H.P. and the deathly hallows came out and I am not in the least bit interested. Why? Because ol' Harry stinks. Literally. He's a pansy, I tell you. Every book he gets beat up in one way or another and gets saved by his com padres from that one dude whose name starts with a V...I forget what it is but I can care less. The whole witchcraft thing doesn't really bother me that much, but the fact that the series was recently ridiculously successful bothers me. If anything is ridiculously successful, it bothers me. (..except for some things like tom clancy, lord of the rings, and halo)

I took my sister to go see Ratatouille and I thought it was pretty good. I really want to see Transformers and my bones are rattling like crazy in anticipation for the Bourne Ultimatum. Which reminds me, I still need to watch the Bourne Supremacy....

Project 86 came out with a new album which was ok for the most part. They've gone somewhat softer than their previous albums. And they got a new drummer. And Andrew Schwab (vocalist) shaved his head and grew a beard and now I can barely recognize him; he looks somewhat like Ryan Clark from Demon Hunter. The music video for Evil: A Chorus of Resistance is cool (foodfight!!):

....and, yeah.

By the way, here's a link to some vids from the trip (under 2007 Trip, obviously....I dunno when they'll put the vids of Hawaii on. I'll let you guess which guy I am)


Enjoy..........and post comments, for a dead rattlesnake's sake (my dad killed one the other day)


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I am at the airport

Well, our trip is just about over and we're at the airport in Honolulu waiting for our 9:00 (a.m.) flight and I got Starbucks (shocking for me, I usually don't support the evil empire) and I saw an Internet cafe station and decided to post something. I have plenty of time right now so I'll give whoever reads this a recap of our trip.

.....ok, first day (June 20) our tire on the bus blows out about 150 miles from our destination on our way from Arcadia, CA to Cedar City, Utah (don't know the 2 letter thingy for that..), so we stayed at a Budget Motel in St. George while the tire got fixed. Next day we traveled the remaining distance to Cedar City. We worked out and lifted weights and such then the next day we headed for Salt Lake City, where we stayed at Camp Williams, an National Guard barracks where we had somewhat of a boot camp with the sergeants there and repelled off of a tower (it's like bouncing down after a rock climb except alot more fun). The next day we did the Leadership Reaction Course which was ridiculously hard (some courses involved crossing a body of water with 50 lbs of ammunition using boards that didn't reach over a broken bridge, and we can't drop in the water). Well, after that we went to Yellowstone for a couple days then headed through Idaho to Seattle, Washington for the UW Football Camp. I was in with the linemen and I felt about 10 times smaller because alot of the other linemen were HUGE (the biggest one was 6'8", 275 lbs.; I'm 6'1" and a measly 190 lbs.) After a couple days of camp we headed down through Oregon and back into California, and after a couple days in Eureka (I found it!) and Oakland we flew out to Kauai, Hawaii! First couple of days were very fun; the first morning we salvaged coconuts for breakfast (along with Lucky Charms and Cookie Crisp....) We did many fun activites (as I posted in Maui...) We visited the islands of Kauai, Maui and now we're in Oahu.

....dargh, my Starbucks ran out. That's the last time I'm paying five bucks for a measly frap.

Well, I am going to be back in So Cal in a couple hours and I am very pumped. Start my senior year, kick some butt in football, and...........................word.

I'll try to post things over the summer; there won't be much going on besides double sessions in August.


Monday, July 16, 2007

I'M IN MAUI!!!!!!

....yeah, I'm out in Hawaii and I've got 2 min. to post this real quick. So, we've snorkled, hiked, surfed, etc etc etc and I'm going to be back home in about 9 days. Well, aloha (that also means goodbye).